Character Creation

Sept 27, 2022 4:23:16 GMT -5
( 2 threads + 23 posts )
Sept 6, 2022 18:56:41 GMT -5
( 7 threads + 10 posts )

This board is full of everything you'll need to know to get started here on Ostensibly! Learn how to play and dive into what means what. Do familiarize yourself with the system and rules before you begin building your place in the world.

Sept 20, 2022 10:06:20 GMT -5
( 8 threads + 8 posts )

A look into our class system.

Jul 17, 2022 13:47:46 GMT -5
( 1 thread + 1 post )
Oct 12, 2022 17:21:45 GMT -5
( 13 threads + 39 posts )

Post your bio WIPs here!

Menu Screen

Sept 27, 2022 4:10:03 GMT -5
( 3 threads + 14 posts )
Sept 20, 2022 9:57:43 GMT -5
( 6 threads + 17 posts )

This is where you'll plead your case to advance in a Level Up!

Sept 9, 2022 20:20:59 GMT -5
( 9 threads + 9 posts )

A board dedicated to hold all inventory threads.

Sept 20, 2022 9:26:54 GMT -5
( 2 threads + 4 posts )

Use the template found in this thread to post your quest for acceptance.

( 0 threads + 0 posts )

The World

Oct 9, 2022 9:20:52 GMT -5
( 3 threads + 25 posts )

Northern Hemisphere, populated by the followers of the Dead King's son, Ivo Aurum. It is a mountainous, serene crescent shaped chunk of Odendum washed in stark beauty. Autumn colors paint the richest parts, with cool tones and ominous humming in its tallest mountain ranges.

Population: 37%

Aug 1, 2022 11:42:31 GMT -5
( 1 thread + 2 posts )

Central Hemisphere, populated by those devoted to the Church of Lunar's own high priestess, Elrinith Goth. It is a quaint chunk of the world adorned in humble blues and purples, fit to call a personable and friendly town. For all that it is cozy, it is the only part of Odendum with unchartered bits of the ominous forests within its claimed borders.

Population: 40%

Aug 1, 2022 11:06:57 GMT -5
( 1 thread + 2 posts )

Southern Hemisphere, populated by a city of people dedicated Scin Spark's old oyabun, Barnabas Meliotus. It is the towering cityscape of rickety buildings clambered together to create a community. It is washed in reddish, dark hues and seems tainted by the black smog of the beyond.

Population: 19%

( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Technically, the leaders of Odendum do not have territory across the entire island continent. Though less populated, unclaimed parts of the land belong to no one with a diverse set of consequences to that fact.

Population: 4%

Jul 25, 2022 14:47:52 GMT -5
( 1 thread + 1 post )

The surrounding world outside of the island continent. Unfortunately, as it is now, you cannot go very far; Odendum is floating amidst a dark, murky sea under intense fog that never seems to let up. If you go too far out into the endless abyss, something will stop you with extreme force.

Population: 0%


Jul 28, 2022 23:12:38 GMT -5
( 2 threads + 2 posts )

Frequently Asked Questions can be found here, and if that doesn't help, you are free to put up a post here detailing your thoughts and needs! Alternatively, you can reach out in the discord server.

( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Sept 1, 2022 19:55:21 GMT -5
( 1 thread + 2 posts )

A lounge to chat OOCly, whether it be about the world of Ostensbily and Odendum and its people and lore or to talk about your favorite games and anime. Be your silliest goose here, we really don't care!

Aug 29, 2022 18:46:35 GMT -5
( 1 thread + 4 posts )

Whether it's coming or going, it's always nice to hear from you! ♡

You are not at all required to make a post announcing your arrival or departure (if you really don't wanna), but you will need to post in the member directory before you can contribute to the world outside of character creation.

Aug 30, 2022 10:02:08 GMT -5
( 2 threads + 4 posts )

( 0 threads + 0 posts )


Recent Threads + Recent Posts

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73 total threads
194 total posts
17 total members

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